+ Error on line 650
$method_name{0} = strtolower($method_name{0});
* DooUriRouter class file.
* @author Leng Sheng Hong <darkredz@gmail.com>
* @link http://www.doophp.com/
* @copyright Copyright © 2009 Leng Sheng Hong
* @license http://www.doophp.com/license
* DooUriRouter parse the server request URI
* <p>The uri router parse the URI and returns the matching controller, action and parameters as defined in the routes configuration.
* Auto routing is also handled if <b>AUTOROUTE</b> is on. A controller can disable autorouting request by writing the
* <code>public $autoroute = false;</code>
* </p>
* <p>The Uri Router is tested and should work in most modern web servers such as <b>Apache</b> and <b>Cherokee</b>
* in both mod_php or FastCGI mode. Please refer to http://doophp.com/tutorial/setup to see how to used DooPHP with Cherokee web server</p>
* <p>HTTP digest authentication can be used with the URI router.
* HTTP digest is much more recommended over the use of HTTP Basic auth which doesn't provide any encryption.
* If you are running PHP on Apache in CGI/FastCGI mode, you would need to
* add the following line to your .htaccess for digest auth to work correctly.</p>
* <code>RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]</code>
* <p>Almost identical routes can be parsed by setting the matching URI pattern for each of the identical routes.</p>
* <p>URI ends with an extension name such as .html .php .aspx will also be parsed by setting a extension value in the route definitions. eg.
* <code>
* //static route, just add a .html
* $route['*']['/products/promotion.html'] = array('ProductController', 'promo');
* //dynamic route, add 'extension'=>'.html'
* $route['*']['/products/promotion/:month'] = array('ProductController', 'promo', 'extension'=>'.html');
* </code>
* </p>
* <p><b>RESTful API</b>s are supported natively. You can mocked up <b>RESTful API</b>s easily with DooUriRouter.
* Just defined the routes to be accessed through the specified request method and handles them in different
* controller or action method. eg. GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/etc.
* <code>
* $route['*']['/news/:id'] #can be accessed through any method
* $route['get']['/news/:id'] #only accessed through GET
* $route['post']['/news/:id'] #only accessed through POST
* $route['delete']['/news/:id']#only accessed through DELETE
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>Routes can be redirect either to an external URL or an internal route.
* <code>
* //internal redirect
* $route['*']['/some/route2'] = $route['*']['/some/route1'];
* //----- external redirect -----
* $route['*']['/google/go'] = array('redirect', 'http://localhost/index.html');
* //sends a 301 Moved Permenantly header
* $route['*']['/google/go2'] = array('redirect', 'http://localhost/index.html', 301);
* //redirect to a file called error.html on the same domain.
* $route['*']['/some/error'] = array('redirect', '/error.html');
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>Defining HTTP authentication
* <code>
* //authFail can also be a URL for redirection
* $route['*']['/admin'] = array('AdminController', 'index',
* 'authName'=>'My ABC',
* 'auth'=>array('admin'=>'1234', 'moderator'=>'123456'),
* 'authFail'=>'login first to view!');
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>If you have your controller file name different from its class name, eg. home.php HomeController
* <code>
* $route['*']['/'] = array('home', 'index', 'className'=>'HomeController');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you need to reverse generate URL based on route ID with DooUrlBuilder in template view, please defined the id along with the routes
* <code>
* $route['*']['/'] = array('HomeController', 'index', 'id'=>'home');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you need dynamic routes on root domain, such as http://facebook.com/username
* Use the key 'root':
* <code>
* $route['*']['root']['/:username'] = array('UserController', 'showProfile');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you need to catch unlimited parameters at the end of the url, eg. http://localhost/paramA/paramB/param1/param2/param.../.../..
* Use the key 'catchall':
* <code>
* $route['*']['catchall']['/:first'] = array('TestController', 'showAllParams');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you have placed your controllers in a sub folder, eg. /protected/admin/EditStuffController.php
* <code>
* $route['*']['/'] = array('admin/EditStuffController', 'action');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you want a module to be publicly accessed (without using Doo::app()->getModule() ) , use [module name] , eg. /protected/module/forum/PostController.php
* <code>
* $route['*']['/'] = array('[forum]PostController', 'action');
* </code></p>
* <p>If you create subfolders in a module, eg. /protected/module/forum/post/ListController.php, the module here is forum, subfolder is post
* <code>
* $route['*']['/'] = array('[forum]post/PostController', 'action');
* </code></p>
* <p>Aliasing give you an option to access the action method/controller through a different URL. This is useful when you need a different url than the controller class name.
* For instance, you have a ClientController::new() . By default, you can access via http://localhost/client/new
* <code>
* $route['autoroute_alias']['/customer'] = 'ClientController';
* $route['autoroute_alias']['/company/client'] = 'ClientController';
* </code>
* With the definition above, it allows user to access the same controller::method with the following URLs:
* http://localhost/company/client/new
* To define alias for a Controller inside a module, you may use an array:
* <code>
* $route['autoroute_alias']['/customer'] = array('controller'=>'ClientController', 'module'=>'example');
* $route['autoroute_alias']['/company/client'] = array('controller'=>'ClientController', 'module'=>'example');
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>Auto routes can be accessed via URL: http://domain.com/controller/method
* If you have a camel case method listAllUser(), it can be accessed via http://domain.com/controller/listAllUser or http://domain.com/controller/list-all-user
* In any case you want to control auto route to be accessed via dashed URL (list-all-user)
* <code>
* $route['autoroute_force_dash'] = true; //setting this to false or not defining it will keep routes accessible with the 2 URLs.
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>If you do not want case sensitive routing you can force all routes to lowercase. Note this will also result in
* All parmeters being converted to lowercase as well.
* <code>
* $route['force_lowercase'] = true; // Setting this to false or not defining it will keep routes case sensetive.
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>See http://doophp.com/doc/guide/uri-routing for information in configuring Routes</p>
* @author Leng Sheng Hong <darkredz@gmail.com>
* @version $Id: Doo.php 1000 2009-07-7 18:27:22
* @package doo.uri
* @since 1.0
class DooUriRouter{
* Main function to be called in order to parse the requested URI.
* <p>The returned parameter list can be accessed as an assoc array.</p>
* <code>
* #Defined in routes.conf.php
* $route['*']['/news/:year/:month'] = array('NewsController', 'show_news_by_year'
* </code>
* @param array $routeArr Routes defined in <i>routes.conf.php</i>
* @param string $subfolder Relative path of the sub directory where the app is located. eg. http://localhost/doophp, the value should be '/doophp/'
* @return array returns an array consist of the Controller class, action method and parameters of the route
public function execute($routeArr,$subfolder='/'){
list($route, $params) = $this->connect($routeArr,$subfolder);
$route['authFailURL'] = (!isset($route['authFailURL']))?null:$route['authFailURL'];
$route['authFail'] = (!isset($route['authFail']))?null:$route['authFail'];
DooDigestAuth::http_auth($route['authName'],$route['auth'], $route['authFail'], $route['authFailURL']);
if (isset($route['params'])===true) {
$params = array_merge($params, $route['params']);
return array($route[0],$route[1],$params,$route['className']);
//return Controller class, method, parameters of the route
return array($route[0],$route[1],$params);
* Redirect to an external URL with HTTP 302 header sent by default
* @param string $location URL of the redirect location
* @param bool $exit to end the application
* @param code $code HTTP status code to be sent with the header
* @param array $headerBefore Headers to be sent before header("Location: some_url_address");
* @param array $headerAfter Headers to be sent after header("Location: some_url_address");
public static function redirect($location, $exit=true, $code=302, $headerBefore=NULL, $headerAfter=NULL){
foreach($headerBefore as $h){
header("Location: $location", true, $code);
foreach($headerAfter as $h){
* Matching the route array with the request URI
* <p>Avoids preg_match for most cases to gain more performance.
* Trailing slashes '/' are ignored and stripped out. It can be used with or without the <b>index.php</b> in the URI.</p>
* <p>To use DooUriRouter without index.php, add the following code to your .htaccess file if Apache mod_rewrite is enabled.</p>
* <code>
* RewriteEngine On
* # if a directory or a file exists, use it directly
* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
* RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
* # otherwise forward it to index.php
* RewriteRule .* index.php
* RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
* </code>
private function connect($routes, $subfolder) {
$skipNormalRoutes = false; // Used to allow for parse through to check root and catchall
// routes if * and type routes do not meet / criteria
//$this->log('Routes: ', $routes);
//$this->log('Subfolder: ' . $subfolder);
$type = strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
$requestedUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (isset($routes['force_lowercase']) && $routes['force_lowercase'] === true) {
$requestedUri = strtolower($requestedUri);
//$this->log('Type: ' . $type);
//$this->log('Requested Uri: ' . $requestedUri);
// Remove get part of url (eg example.com/test/?foo=bar trimed to example.com/test/)
if (false !== ($getPosition = strpos($requestedUri, '?'))) {
$requestedUri = substr($requestedUri, 0, $getPosition);
//$this->log('Trimmed off get (?) to give Request Uri: ' . $requestedUri);
// Remove Subfolder
$requestedUri = substr($requestedUri, strlen($subfolder)-1);
//$this->log('Trimmed off subfolder from Request Uri to give: ' . $requestedUri);
// Remove index.php from URL if it exists
if (0 === strpos($requestedUri, '/index.php')) {
$requestedUri = substr($requestedUri, 10);
//$this->log('Trimmed off the /index.php from Request Uri to give: ' . $requestedUri);
if ($requestedUri == '') {
$requestedUri = '/';
// Remove any trailing slashes from Uri except the first / of a uri (Root)
//Strip out the additional slashes found at the end. If first character is / then leaves it alone
$end = strlen($requestedUri) - 1;
while( $end > 0 && $requestedUri[$end] === '/' ){
$requestedUri = substr($requestedUri, 0, $end+1);
//$this->log('Trimmed off trailing slashes from Request Uri: ' . $requestedUri);
// Got a root url (ie. Homepage)
if ($requestedUri === '/') {
//$this->log('Got a root URL');
return array($routes[$type]['/'], null);
return array($routes['*']['/'], null);
$skipNormalRoutes = true;
if ($skipNormalRoutes===false) {
// Not got root url so we need to get possible routes
// First look for routes for specific route type and then try for * routes
// We will merge the 2 together to prevent duplicate checking
$possibleRoutes = $routes[$type];
$possibleRoutes = null;
if($possibleRoutes !== null)
$possibleRoutes = array_merge($routes['*'], $possibleRoutes);
$possibleRoutes = $routes['*'];
//$this->log('Possible Routes: ', $possibleRoutes);
// We if we simply have the full route (ie. No params needed)
if (isset($possibleRoutes[$requestedUri])===true) {
// Ensure the url does not contain : in it
if (false === strpos($requestedUri, ':')) {
//$this->log('Got Perfect Match');
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH = $requestedUri;
return array($possibleRoutes[$requestedUri], null);
/* Not got a match so now we will loop over all possibleRoutes and see
* if we have a matching route using parameters. We carry out some quick checks first
* in an attempt to skip past a route which does not match the current route.
* Once we have a route which might work we must then test the route against any
* regex (matches) which are to be applied to parameters. This allows for identical uri's to be used
* but with each expecting different parameter formats for example
* /news/:title - to show a news by passing the title which will maybe call the controller action News->show_by_title
* /news/:id - to show a news by passing the ID which will maybe call the controller action News->show_by_id
* Note that Identical Routes MUST have different REQUIREMENT (match) for the param,
* if not the first which is defined will matched, therefore preventing any others being matched
$uriPartsOrig = explode('/', $requestedUri);
$uriPartsSize = sizeof($uriPartsOrig);
$uriExtension = false;
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($uriPartsOrig[$uriPartsSize-1], '.')) ) {
$uriExtension = substr($uriPartsOrig[$uriPartsSize-1], $pos);
$uriLastPartNoExtension = substr($uriPartsOrig[$uriPartsSize-1], 0, $pos);
//$this->log('URI Extension is: ' . $uriExtension);
if ($skipNormalRoutes===false) {
foreach($possibleRoutes as $routeKey=>$routeData) {
//$this->log('Trying routeKey: ' . $routeKey);
$uriParts = $uriPartsOrig;
$routeParts = explode('/', $routeKey);
if ($uriPartsSize !== sizeof($routeParts)) {
//$this->log('Not Enought Parts: ' . $routeKey);
continue; // Not enough parts in route to match our current uri?
// If first part of uri not match first part of route then skip.
// We expect ALL routes at this stage to begin with a static segment.
// Note: We exploded with a leading / so element 0 in both arrays is an empty string
if ($uriParts[1] !== $routeParts[1]) {
//$this->log('First path not match');
// If the route allows extensions check that the extension provided is a correct match
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true) {
if ($uriExtension === false) {
continue; // We need an extension for this to match so can't be a match
} else {
$routeExtension = $routeData['extension'];
if (is_string($routeExtension)===true && $uriExtension!==$routeExtension ) {
continue; // Extensions do not match so can't be a match
} elseif (is_array($routeExtension)===true && in_array($uriExtension, $routeExtension)===false) {
continue; // Extension not in allowed extensions so can't be a match
// Now check the other statics parts of the url (we deal with parameters later
foreach ($routeParts as $i=>$routePart) {
if ($i < 2)
if ($routePart[0] === ':')
continue; // This routePart is a parameter in the Uri
if ($routePart !== $uriParts[$i])
continue 2; // The static part of this route does not match the route part
//$this->log('Got a route match. RouteKey: ' . $routeKey);
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true && $uriExtension !== false) {
$uriParts[$uriPartsSize - 1] = $uriLastPartNoExtension;
$params = $this->parse_params($uriParts, $routeParts);
//$this->log('Got Parameter Values:', $params);
if (isset($routeData['match'])===true) {
//$this->log('Checking Parameter Matches');
foreach($routeData['match'] as $paramName=>$pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $params[$paramName]) == 0) {
continue 2;
if ($uriExtension !== false) {
$params['__extension'] = $uriExtension;
$params['__routematch'] = $routeData;
//$this->log('Got a Match');
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH = $routeKey;
return array($routeData, $params);
if (isset($routes['*']['root'])===true) {
// Note: Root Routes should always start with a parameter ie. ['*']['root']['/:param']
// Therefore we wont look at running some checks used by non root routes
//$this->log('No Route Yet Found. Trying Root routes');
$rootRoute = $routes['*']['root'];
foreach($rootRoute as $routeKey=>$routeData) {
$uriParts = $uriPartsOrig;
$routeParts = explode('/', $routeKey);
if ($uriPartsSize !== sizeof($routeParts)) {
//$this->log('Not Enought Parts: ' . $routeKey);
continue; // Not enough parts in route to match our current uri?
// If the route allows extensions check that the extension provided is a correct match
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true) {
if ($uriExtension === false) {
continue; // We need an extension for this to match so can't be a match
} else {
$routeExtension = $routeData['extension'];
if (is_string($routeExtension)===true && $uriExtension !== $routeExtension) {
continue; // Extensions do not match so can't be a match
} elseif (is_array($routeExtension)===true && in_array($uriExtension, $routeExtension)===false) {
continue; // Extension not in allowed extensions so can't be a match
// Now check the other statics parts of the url (we deal with parameters later
foreach ($routeParts as $i=>$routePart) {
if ($i == 0)
continue; // The first item is empty
if ($routePart[0] === ':')
continue; // This routePart is a parameter in the Uri
if ($routePart !== $uriParts[$i])
continue 2; // The static part of this route does not match the route part
//$this->log('Got a route match. RouteKey: ' . $routeKey);
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true && $uriExtension !== false) {
$uriParts[$uriPartsSize - 1] = $uriLastPartNoExtension;
$params = $this->parse_params($uriParts, $routeParts);
//$this->log('Got Parameter Values:', $params);
if (isset($routeData['match'])===true) {
//$this->log('Checking Parameter Matches');
foreach($routeData['match'] as $paramName=>$pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $params[$paramName]) == 0) {
continue 2;
if ($uriExtension !== false) {
$params['__extension'] = $uriExtension;
$params['__routematch'] = $routeData;
//$this->log('Got a Match');
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH = $routeKey;
return array($routeData, $params);
if(isset($routes['*']['catchall'])===true) {
//$this->log('No Route Yet Found. Trying Catch All Routes');
$routeCatch = $routes['*']['catchall'];
foreach($routes['*']['catchall'] as $routeKey=>$routeData) {
// If the route allows extensions check that the extension provided is a correct match
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true) {
if ($uriExtension === false) {
continue; // We need an extension for this to match so can't be a match
} else {
$routeExtension = $routeData['extension'];
if (is_string($routeExtension)===true && $uriExtension !== $routeExtension) {
continue; // Extensions do not match so can't be a match
} elseif (is_array($routeExtension)===true && in_array($uriExtension, $routeExtension)===false) {
continue; // Extension not in allowed extensions so can't be a match
$uriParts = $uriPartsOrig;
if ($routeKey === '/'){
$routeParts = array('');
} else {
$routeParts = explode('/', $routeKey);
// Now check the other statics parts of the url (we deal with parameters later
foreach ($routeParts as $i=>$routePart) {
if ($i == 0)
continue; // The first item is empty
if (isset($routePart[0])===true && $routePart[0] === ':')
continue; // This routePart is a parameter in the Uri
if ($routePart !== $uriParts[$i]) {
continue 2; // The static part of this route does not match the route part
if (isset($routeData['extension'])===true && $uriExtension !== false) {
$uriParts[$uriPartsSize - 1] = $uriLastPartNoExtension;
$params = $this->parse_params_catch($uriParts, $routeParts);
if (isset($routeData['match'])===true) {
foreach($routeData['match'] as $paramName=>$pattern) {
if (preg_match($pattern, $params[$paramName]) == 0) {
continue 2;
if ($uriExtension !== false) {
$params['__extension'] = $uriExtension;
$params['__routematch'] = $routeData;
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH = $routeKey;
return array($routeData, $params);
//$this->log('Failed to find a matching route');
* Handles auto routing.
* <p>If AUTOROUTE is on, you can access a controller action method by
* accessing the URL http://localhost/controllername/methodname</p>
* <p>If your controller class has a Camel Case naming convention for the class name,
* access it through http://localhost/camel-case/method for a class name CamelCaseController</p>
* <p>If no method is specified in the URL, <i>index()</i> will be executed by default if available.
* If no matching controller/method is found, a 404 status will be sent in the header.</p>
* <p>The returned parameter list is access through an indexed array ( $param[0], $param[1], $param[2] ) instead of a assoc array in the Controller class.</p>
* @param string $subfolder Relative path of the sub directory where the app is located. eg. http://localhost/doophp, the value should be '/doophp/'
* @return array returns an array consist of the Controller class, action method and parameters of the route
public function auto_connect($subfolder='/', $autoroute_alias=null){
//remove Subfolder from the URI if exist
if( $subfolder!='/' )
$uri = substr($uri, strlen($subfolder));
//remove index.php/ from the URI if exist
if(strpos($uri, 'index.php/')===0)
$uri = substr($uri, strlen('index.php/'));
//strip out the GET variable part if start with /?
if($pos = strpos($uri, '/?')){
$uri = substr($uri,0,$pos);
}else if($pos = strpos($uri, '?')) {
$tmp = explode('?', $uri);
$uri = $tmp[0];
$end = strlen($uri) - 1;
while( $end > 0 && $uri[$end] === '/' ){
$uri = substr($uri, 0, $end+1);
//remove the / in the first char in REQUEST URI
$uri = substr($uri, 1);
//spilt out GET variable first
$uri = explode('/',$uri);
$module = null;
if(isset(Doo::conf()->MODULES)===true && in_array($uri[0], Doo::conf()->MODULES)===true){
$module = $uri[0];
//if controller and method not found.
$controller_name = $uri[0];
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH = array($controller_name);
//controller name can't start with a -, and it can't have more than 1 -
if( strpos($controller_name, '-')===0 || strpos($controller_name, '--')!==false ){
//if - detected, make controller name camelcase
if(strpos($controller_name, '-')!==false){
$controller_name = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('-', ' ', $controller_name) ) ) ;
$controller_name = ucfirst($controller_name);
$controller_name .= 'Controller' ;
//if method is in uri, replace - to camelCase. else method is empty, make it access index
$method_name = $method_name_ori = $uri[1];
//controller name can't start with a -, and it can't have more than 1 -
if( strpos($method_name, '-')===0 || strpos($method_name, '--')!==false ){
//if - detected, make method name camelcase
if( strpos($method_name, '-') !== false ){
//$method_name = lcfirst( str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('-', ' ', $method_name) ) ) );
$method_name = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('-', ' ', $method_name) ) ) ;
$method_name{0} = strtolower($method_name{0});
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH[] = $uri[1];
$method_name = $method_name_ori = 'index';
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH[] = 'index';
//the first 2 would be Controller and Method, the others will be params if available, access through Array arr[0], arr[1], arr[3]
$params = null;
$params=array_slice($uri, 2);
//match alias for autoroutes
$alias = '/'.urldecode($uri[0]);
$convertname = $controller_name = $autoroute_alias[$alias];
//if alias defined as array('controller'=>'TestController', 'module'=>'example')
$controller_name = $controller_name['controller'];
$module = $convertname['module'];
$convertname = $controller_name;
//camel case to dash for controller
$convertname{0} = strtolower($convertname[0]);
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH[0] = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', '-$1', substr($convertname, 0, -10)));
$uridecode = urldecode(implode('/', $uri));
$aliaskey = array_keys($autoroute_alias);
//escape string and convert to regex pattern to match with URI, (alias1|alias 2|alias3\/alias3_2)
$aliaskey = str_replace("\t", '|', preg_quote( implode("\t", $aliaskey), '/') );
//use regex to eliminate looping through the list of alias keys
if( preg_match('/^('. $aliaskey .')\//', '/'.$uridecode.'/', $matchedKey) > 0){
//key of the matched autoroute alias
$r = $matchedKey[1];
$convertname = $controller_name = $autoroute_alias[$r];
//if alias defined as array('controller'=>'TestController', 'module'=>'example')
$controller_name = $controller_name['controller'];
$module = $convertname['module'];
$convertname = $controller_name;
//camel case to dash for controller
$convertname{0} = strtolower($convertname[0]);
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH[0] = strtolower(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', '-$1', substr($convertname, 0, -10)));
//explode and parse the method name + parameters
$uridecode = explode('/', substr($uridecode, strlen($r)));
$method_name = $method_name_ori = $uridecode[0];
$method_name = $method_name_ori = 'index';
$params=array_slice($uridecode, 1);
//controller name can't start with a -, and it can't have more than 1 -
if( strpos($method_name, '-')===0 || strpos($method_name, '--')!==false ){
//if - detected, make method name camelcase
if( strpos($method_name, '-') !== false ){
//$method_name = lcfirst( str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('-', ' ', $method_name) ) ) );
$method_name = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('-', ' ', $method_name) ) ) ;
$method_name{0} = strtolower($method_name{0});
Doo::conf()->AUTO_VIEW_RENDER_PATH[1] = $method_name;
return array($controller_name, $method_name, $method_name_ori, $params, $module);
* Get the parameter list found in the URI which matched a user defined route
* @param array $req_route The requested route
* @param array $defined_route Route defined by the user
* @return array An array of parameters found in the requested URI
protected function parse_params($req_route, $defined_route){
$params = array();
$size = sizeof($req_route);
for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){
$param_key = $defined_route[$i];
if ($param_key == '') {
} elseif($param_key[0]===':'){
$param_key = str_replace(':', '', $param_key);
$params[$param_key] = $req_route[$i];
return $params;
* Get the parameter list found in the URI (unlimited)
* @param array $req_route The requested route
* @param array $defined_route Route defined by the user
* @return array An array of parameters found in the requested URI
protected function parse_params_catch($req_route, $defined_route){
$params = array();
$size = sizeof($req_route);
$param_key = $defined_route[$i];
if ($param_key == '') {
} elseif($param_key[0]===':'){
$param_key = str_replace(':', '', $param_key);
$params[$param_key] = $req_route[$i];
$params[] = $req_route[$i];
return $params;
* Stack Trace...
- /media2/jllamas/public_html/index.php(27) calling run()
- /media2/jllamas/public_html/dooframework/app/DooWebApp.php(34) calling routeTo()
- /media2/jllamas/public_html/dooframework/app/DooWebApp.php(44) calling loadCore()
- /media2/jllamas/public_html/dooframework/Doo.php(330) calling require_once()
object(DooConfig)#1 (24) {
["SITE_PATH"] => string(28) "/media2/jllamas/public_html/"
["PROTECTED_FOLDER"] => string(10) "protected/"
["BASE_PATH"] => string(41) "/media2/jllamas/public_html/dooframework/"
["APP_URL"] => string(17) "http://opxis.com/"
["SUBFOLDER"] => string(1) "/"
["APP_MODE"] => string(4) "prod"
["AUTOROUTE"] => bool(true)
["DEBUG_ENABLED"] => bool(true)
["ERROR_404_ROUTE"] => string(6) "/error"
["TEMPLATE_ENGINE"] => string(7) "DooView"
["RELATIVE_IMG_DIR"] => string(9) "/uploads/"
["IMG_DIR"] => string(36) "/media2/jllamas/public_html/uploads/"
$_SESSION Variables
array(0) {
$_COOKIE Variables
array(1) {
["PHPSESSID"] => string(32) "9b1549aa2e01e2ea51aac3bf241e989a"